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sábado, 18 de junho de 2011

CSD QP contest challenge and freebie QP

Hi, hi, hi!
I am participating on the CSD QP contest and this month we are working with the gorgeous kit by Kakleidesigns Devout Memories. Look at how beautiful it is:
and this is my QP for the contest:
I hope you like it and you can also use it with small pictures, like this:

or anyway you like of course! ;)  If you leave me a comment you make a soul very happy in this world! :D
Oh!!! And click on first preview to download
Thank you so much!!!

sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

CSD CU for a Freebie challenge and a freebie mini kit

Hi again!!!
Addie posted this cute CU freebie for anyone that wants to participate in the CU fo a freebie challenge:
And here is what I did:
I hope you like it! ( Image is linked)

Thank you very much!!!

sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2011

June DSO color challenge and freebie!

Hi everyone!
Here I am again! ( It took me a while, isn't so?) RL and etc... Anyway... I have a cute mini for you today. It is in response to the DSO color chalenge. First you have to know that, in my country, we celebrate Saint Antonio, Saint Peter and Saint John with the June parties. They are much alike the Carnivals  and fairs outside here, but with some other costumes like the dancing that is very specific to the date. They are a lot of fun, and all I can think of nowadays! ;)
 Therefore, here is my mini kit ( I hope you love it too! Don't forget to leave a comment that makes my day!)
Thank you so much! ( Click on image to go to download page)