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terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2014

Scrappy Bee shop is open!


I have exciting new I've been biting my tong not to tell you!!! ;)  Scrappy bee is oppenning today and I was accepted as a designer! Yes! We will have a 50% off discount promotion for the first week so go on and take a look! Visit here --> Scrappy Bee  There will be also lots of challenges, games and prizes! So, don't miss on the fun!!!
I'll have one opening kit for you, here it is:
sorry this is expired! :(

And I also have two CU kits in time for easter and spring:
sorry those are expired. :(


Um comentário:

  1. Congratulation on being selected as a designer at ScrappyBee. You deserve it you are a very talented designer and I also enjoy seeing your work. -Marie


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